Directed by Pranav Patel and produced under the banner of Cloudland Entertainment by Bhaumik Patel, Jayesh Patel and Jayesh Parmar, “31st” is inspired by true events and promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of justice, truth, and societal responsibility. Jayesh Naik is the film’s executive producer.
The captivating poster of “31st” showcases a powerful moment, with a hand gripping the tear-streaked face of Shraddha Dangar, one of the film’s lead actors. This evocative imagery foreshadows the emotional depth and raw intensity that will unfold on the big screen, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats.
Directed by Pranav Patel, with cinematography by Dhruv Panchal, the film’s stellar cast also includes Hitu Kanodia, Parikshit Tamalia, and Prachi Thaker.